Thursday, April 17, 2014

Term 1 goals

The things i have enjoyed this term are...
  • whanau atawhai
  • making sugar crystals 
  • swimming 
  • waitomo caves 
  • science
  • reading
  • kapa haka
  • bush walk
  • tennis
  • netball taster
  • other

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Maori phrase of the week

slowly the sky got daker

...Slowly the sky got Darker...
Sometimes me and my mum take our puppy for a fun exciting walk to the park. But this time we went to the puppy party at night outside it was fun there was one table for dogs and puppy’s and one more table for people. On the dogs and puppy table there was pet biscuits and milk and cold water and other food. On the owners table there was normal food and drink. As we looked up in the sky it was as dark as a dark black paint so we got our goodie bags and went we had fun so did our puppy.

Growing crystals

Yesterday we made sugar crystals. First we got a cup and then we wrote our name with a Sharpie on  the cup. Then we got an ice block and then we got a string to tie to the ice block. Then we put it in the cup. Then Mrs Natusch poured in the luquid in our cups but first we had to take our ice block stick out. After that we had to put our ice block stick back in last of all we put it on the window sill.

I cant wait to eat it when it is ready to eat !.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dr Steve's Hoods visit

Dr Steve's hood visit by manaia on PhotoPeach

Glow worm life-cycle

It takes 4 stages for a glow worm to turn into a adult fly. First the egg hatches  after the eggs  the larvae comes out into the nest after the larvae it turns into a glowworm after the glowworm then comes the pupa after the pupa then comes the Adult fly the adult fly only lives for 3 days so the adult fly finds another adult fly and then it haves eggs and the glowworm life cycle goes on for ever and that is the glowworm Life cycle.Gloworm lifecycle